Saturday 8 June 2013

Purple Salsify

I put a shout out on Twitter and Facebook to id a plant I see on my walk. It's a beautiful plant with distinctive purple flowers. And I'm very happy that @MrSmartyPlants on Twitter came up with the answer: Tragopoon porrifolius. Also known as purple or common salsifyoyster plantvegetable oysterJerusalem star, goatsbeard or simply salsify. And even better is the news that it's entirely edible:

"Purple salsify is often eaten. The flowers, leaves, roots, seeds, and stem are all edible. Salsify roots look a lot like parsnips, but are said to taste like oysters. Prior to the end of last semester, the TJDG made salsify patties, a delicious and nutritious treat. Salsify naturally produces latex, a milky sap, which can be used as chewing gum. Young shoots can be eaten like asparagus and provide a sweet flavor. The flowers can be eaten raw."

This page here details amongst other things that it can be eaten like asparagus, and the flowers in salads. 

This page here details amongst other things that it can be eaten like asparagus, and the flowers in salads. 
I'd like to grow some in my back garden. I like to grow native plants that do well in this area.  I find it harder for them to fall foul of my lack of green fingers.

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